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Join date: Jun 3, 2022


Curvemeister Free Download is a powerful color wizard that will guide you thorugh the basic steps of color correction, and make good skin tones easy and lightning fast.Set shadow, highlight, and neutral, correctly and within seconds, in Lab, CMYK, RGB, or HSB without changing the mode of your image.Color pinning makes good skin tones easy and lightning fast.The Hue Clock gives you confidence that your colors are up to snuff.Switch color spaces at any time during a curve operation, without flattening, or changing the mode of your imageBuilt-in threshold function to locate the shadow and highlight, and to spot clipping immediately in the image window.Here are some key features of "Curvemeister":■ Let the Curvemeister color wizard guide you thorugh the basic steps of color correction.■ Set shadow, highlight, and neutral, correctly and within seconds, in Lab, CMYK, RGB, or HSB without changing the mode of your image.■ Switch color spaces at any time during a curve operation, without flattening, or changing the mode of your image■ Built-in threshold function to locate the shadow and highlight, and to spot clipping immediately in the image window■ See all of your curves at once■ A well-integrated design that flows seamlessly into your normal Photoshop workflow■ Make the curve window as large as you want, and make adjustments more accurately■ Use the Hue clock to judge colors, such as skin tones, instantly and accurately■ Use pinning to get a good flesh tone instantly, or to curve an object to any desired color, or match colors from one area of your image to another.■ Use floating neutrals to pin a neutral point, and change brightness by adjusting multiple curves at the same time■ Full and accurate support for all of Photoshop's color modes, including bit depths, plus the HSB color space■ Unlimited color samples■ Optional histogram overlay for each curve■ Additional sample size options, including an unlimited sample size.■ Optional display of sample information, including additional decimal places, deltaE and standard deviation■ More control over curve orientation and curve axis labels■ Additional curve features, such as corner fill, and the ability to rotate curves in place.� 08929e5ed8

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